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Storstrøms Amt is situated in the south of Zealand Island and occupies an area of 3 398 km2, representing 7.9% of the total area of Denmark. It has a population of 260498 people.
There are 10 776 km of roads in Storstroems (2001 data), of which 91 are motorways, representing a share of 9.4% of the total Danish motorways system.
Gross value added in the county of Storstroems accounts for 3.5% of the total value added in Denmark. The services sector represents 72% of it, which is just below the national average, and the secondary sector accounts represents 21% , the rest is primary sector. The regional GDP per head (PPS) (2001 EU15 = 100) is 114.
The activity rate in Storstroems, 74.1%, is the lowest in Denmark. The male and female activity rates are equal, respectively, to 77.8% and 70.3%. The employment rate, equal to 70.5%, is below the national average. Unemployment rate is around 5.4%, above the national average. The male unemployment rate is 5.0% and the female rate is 6.0%.
The region spends around 2% of its GDP in Research and Development.
Parts of the region belong to EU objective 2 plus phasing out for the period 2000-2006.
One RPIA was approved for the whole of Denmark over the period 2003-2004, thus encouraging the different regions to work together. The RPIA was called the Danish Regional Programme for Innovative Actions and it covered two strategic themes: Regional economies based on knowledge and technological innovation and e-EuropeRegio: the information society at the service of regional development. The programme implemented six actions:

  • Innovation, transfer of knowledge and regional competence building - further innovation, transfer of knowledge and building of competence within and between SMEs, universities, R&D centres etc. primarily by means of demonstration and pilot projects.

  • Innovative methods and structures for regional development; to develop methods to ensure the ability of Objective 2 and remote areas to continuously absorb and use increased amounts of knowledge. In parallel to the above the action line implemented, disseminated, and developed a knowledge base and a joint framework for what initiates innovation at the local and regional level and how it can be used in future innovation strategies.

  • Innovative use of ICT - to develop ICT measures that may leverage and support initiated activities and to develop ICT pilot actions and projects that are specifically innovative for the Objective 2 and remote areas.

  • ICT demonstration projects - to promote a number of ICT actions that further strategic objectives of the programme.

  • Accompanying measures - to ensure a successful coordination, dissemination and exchange of program and project experiences to a wider group of actors and regions, special resources shall be allocated to a number of activities.

  • Technical assistance - to ensure a successful coordination, implementation, and dissemination of the programme to a wide group of actors and regions, special resources were allocated for the following activities:- administration, managing, and monitoring of Innovative Actions,- information and publicity - evaluation.